

The Supernatural Spear Master is a lightning-stricken fury who combines the spear enhancements from the Stormlord and Weapon Master classes with the damage of Epic Divine Might. Like so many builds that seek EDM, there is a good variant and an evil variant, on which I will elaborate later.


  • Level 9 spells (@ caster level 18) provides access to terrific buffs (Divine Favor, Divine Power, Greater Visage, Energy Immunity, Spell Resistance, Battletide, etc.)
  • Fantastic damage with Shock Weapon, Storm Avatar, and Epic Divine Might
  • Strong from start to finish, playing as a basic FS/SL then adding WM levels between 21-30
  • Good saves due to Divine Grace
  • High critical range and modifier due to Weapon Master bonuses
  • Can achieve full 30 BAB with Divine Power spell
  • Innate electrical immunity, fire resistance 10/-


  • Low Spell DC means easily dispelled buffs and few viable offensive spells
  • Natural BAB 25 just misses full six attacks
  • Very low Natural AC (11)
  • Mediocre HP (294)
  • Fairly reliant on buffs for effectiveness

Character Creation[]

STR 16 22
DEX 13 13
CON 10 10
INT 13 13
WIS 10 10
CHA 18 21
Base attack bonus 25
Fortitude save 26
Reflex save 21
Will save 22
Spell resistance {{{spellresistance}}}
Hit Points 294
Natural AC 11
  • Race: Aasimar
  • Classes: Favored Soul 8 / Paladin 5 / Stormlord 10 / Weapon Master 7
  • Cleric Domains: {{{domains}}}
  • Build Nature: {{{buildnature}}}
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Deity: Hoar


This very tightly balanced build MUST use the Aasimar in order to achieve the proper spread of attributes in the beginning and avoid experience penalties. The ONLY possibilities for modification are as follows; Str may be dropped 1 or Con dropped 2 in order to bring Dex and Int up to 14 each. This adds 1 AC and 1 Skill point per level at the expense of 1 AB and 2 damage (-Str) or 30 HP (-Con). It would also be possible to increase Wis this way, but why?

The Favored Soul levels provide the divine spellcasting and free Weapon Focus (Spear) through Hoar, the Paladin levels give Divine Grace and DM/EDM, the Stormlord levels offer those wonderful spear bonuses and Storm Avatar, and the Weapon Master levels further enhance spear effectiveness.

The Evil variant (Infernal Spear Master?) replaces the 5 Paladin levels with 3-5 Blackguard levels (requiring Cleave instead of Gr. Str) and opens up the possibilty of using Drow instead of Aasimir. Moreover, although I would not recommend it, the Drow can drop his Con and Wis into negative bonuses in order to bolster other attributes (other minimums are Str 16, Dex 13, Int 13, and Cha 18). The advantage of the evil Drow variant is primarily the amazing spell resistance; the Aasimir Paladin, on the other hand, is immune to disease, has small elemental resistances, does not suffer sunny outdoor penalties, and has a smaller exp. penalty. Also, the Drow cannot achieve final Str 22 (+6) without dropping Con and/or Wis into the negatives to improve his starting Str.

Build Progression[]

Craft Weapon Spellcraft
Concentration Intimidate
CL Class Feat Bonus/Class Feats Attributes
1 Favored Soul 1 Toughness 4 4 4
2 Favored Soul 2 5 5 5
3 Paladin 1 Great Fortitude 6 6
4 Paladin 2 Divine Grace 7 7 +1 Str
5 Favored Soul 3 Weapon Focus (Spear) 8 8 8
6 Favored Soul 4 Dodge 9 9 9
7 Favored Soul 5 Resist Fire Energy (10/-) 10 10 10
8 Favored Soul 6 11 11 +1 Str
9 Stormlord 1 Mobility Electrical Resist (5/-), Enhanced Weapon +1 12 3
10 Stormlord 2 Shock Weapon 13 4
11 Stormlord 3 14
12 Stormlord 4 Combat Expertise Electrical Resist (10/-) 15 +1 Str
13 Favored Soul 7 16 16
14 Stormlord 5 Shocking Burst 17
15 Stormlord 6 Spring Attack Enhanced Weapon +2 18 17
16 Favored Soul 8 19 19 +1 Str
17 Stormlord 7 Electrical Resist (15/-) 20 20
18 Stormlord 8 Whirlwind Attack Shocking Burst and Sonic 21 21
19 Stormlord 9 Electrical Immunity, Enhanced Weapon +3 22 22
20 Stormlord 10 Extended Storm Avatar 23 23 +1 Str
21 Weapon Master 1 Great Strength Ki Damage 24
22 Weapon Master 2 24 25
23 Weapon Master 3 Great Charisma 26
24 Weapon Master 4 25 27 +1 Cha
25 Weapon Master 5 Power Attack Increase Multiplier, Superior Weapon Focus 28
26 Paladin 3 Divine Health 29 29
27 Paladin 4 Divine Might 30 30
28 Weapon Master 6 31 +1 Cha
29 Paladin 5 Epic Divine Might 32 32
30 Weapon Master 7 Ki Critical 33 1 33