
.2da file. The 2D Array that contains all the sub races used in-game, usable or not by PCs.

Here is a description of the various columns:

Column Example Explanation Note
Row No. 7 Row's ID (unique) -
Label Wood_Elf Indicative name of the race -
BaseRace 1 Row ID back to racialtypes.2da Links the base race and subrace together.
ECL 0 ECL is Effective Character Level. This means that if subrace's ECL is 2, it is counted as a higher level, and PC will get lower XP.
Abrev WD Abbreviation of race name Two characters
Name 24 StrRef for the race name Capitalized singular noun. "Wood Elf".
NamePlural 25 StrRef for the race name, plural Capitalized plural noun. "Wood Elves".
NameLower 111474 StrRef for the race name, lowercase Lowercase singular noun. "wood elf".
NameLowerPlural 111475 StrRef for the race, plural, lowercase Lowercase plural noun. "wood elves".
ConverName 5584 StrRef for the race name in conversation token (<race>) Capitalized race name in conversation. "Wood Elf".
ConverNameLower 5589 StrRef for the lowercase race name in conversation token Lowercase race name in conversation. "wood elf".
Description 112080 Race's description -
Appearance **** Not used -
StrAdjust 0 Adjust Strength ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
DexAdjust 2 Adjust Dexterity ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
IntAdjust 0 Adjust Intelligence ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
ChaAdjust 0 Adjust Charisma ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
WisAdjust 0 Adjust Wisdom ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
ConAdjust -2 Adjust Constitution ability Positive value adds. Negative value subtracts.
Endurance 0 Base Land Speed -
Favored 7 Favored class, row ID to classes.2da -
HasFavoredClass 1 1 = has favored class (set by Favored value, see previous), 0 = does not have favored class -
FeatsTable RACE_FEAT_ELF Racial feats -
Biography 0 Starting biography -
PlayerRace 1 1 = is playable race, 0 = is not playable race -
Constant RACIAL_SUBTYPE_WOOD_ELF Constant for scripting -
AGE 100 Starting age -
CRModifier 1 Challenge Rating modifier -
Color2DA color_woodelf 2DA table which contains colors for this race -
AppearanceIndex 566 Race appearance, row ID to appearance.2da -
female_race_icon ira_we_raceicon Race icon for females Targa (*.tga) 40x40, 24 Bits Per Pixel.
male_race_icon ira_we_raceicon Race icon for males Targa (*.tga) 40x40, 24 Bits Per Pixel.
racial_banner wood_elf Racial banner Targa (*.tga) 985x284, 24 Bits Per Pixel.