// Returns Item property Monster on hit apply effect property.  You must specify
// the property that you want applied on hit.  There are some properties that
// require an additional special parameter to be specified.  The others that
// don't require any additional parameter you may just put in the one.  The
// special cases are as follows:
//      ABILITYDRAIN:nSpecial is the ability to drain.
//                   constant(IP_CONST_ABILITY_*)
//      DISEASE     :nSpecial is the disease that you want applied.
//                   constant(DISEASE_*)
//      LEVELDRAIN  :nSpecial is the number of levels that you want drained.
//                   integer between 1 and 5.
//      POISON      :nSpecial is the type of poison that will effect the victim.
//                   constant(IP_CONST_POISON_*)
//      WOUNDING    :nSpecial is the amount of wounding.
//                   integer between 1 and 5.
// NOTE: Any that do not appear in the above list do not require the second 
//       parameter.
// NOTE: These can only be applied to monster NATURAL weapons (ie. bite, claw, 
//       gore, and slam).  IT WILL NOT WORK ON NORMAL WEAPONS.
itemproperty ItemPropertyOnMonsterHitProperties(int nProperty, int nSpecial=0);