
The feat.2da file controls the available feats that are included in the game. It specifies any restrictions the feat has, any scripts that are fired on use, and any other information governing the use of the feat.

Column Descriptions[]

Column name Description
ID (no actual header) Sequentially numbered. This field identifies the item property to the game engine. The game engine actually ignores the value in this field and sequentially numbers the records as it reads them, so it is good practice to keep the entries in this field sequentially numbered to avoid confusion.
Label A text value identifying the feat associated with the item property. It is not used by the game engine, but makes it easier to locate specific feats within the file. All spaces should be replaced with underscores ( _ ).
Feat A StringRef indicating the name of the feat, which will be displayed in the game.
Description A StringRef indicating the description of the feat, which will be displayed in the game.
Icon The value of this field is the filename of the tga file that is the icon for this feat. It is usually prefixed as ife_, for icon feat, followed by an abbreviation of the feat name. The total length of this name must be 16 characters or less.
MINATTACKBONUS The minimum attack bonus a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINSTR The minimum strength ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINDEX The minimum dexterity ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MININT The minimum intelligence ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINWIS The minimum wisdom ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINCON The minimum constitution ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINCHA The minimum charisma ability score a character must have to be able to select this feat.
MINSPELLLVL The minimum spell level a spellcasting character must be able to cast in order to select this feat.
MINCASTERLVL The minimum caster level a character must have to be able to select this feat, it is unclear at this time if this column is fully functional for the Warlock class.
PREREQFEAT1 If this feat requires another feat to be selected before this one may be chosen, the ID number of the required feat will be in this column. The character must have this prior feat.
GAINMULTIPLE Value of 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether or not the feat may be gained multiple times.
EFFECTSSTACK Value of 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether the effects of this feat stack with effects of the same type.
ALLCLASSESCANUSE Value of 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether all classes can use this feat or not. If 0 (not), the appropriate class feat 2da files (cls_feat_*) determine whether or not this feat is available to the character.
CATEGORY This determines how the AI treats this feat. It is an ID value in categories.2da.
MAXCR The maximum challenge rating a character may have to be able to select this feat.
SPELLID The ID number in spells.2da for the equivalent spell script to run for this feat, if it needs one.
SUCCESSOR The ID number of the feat which follows this feat. For example, the Disarm feat has the ID number of Improved Disarm in this column.
CRValue DEPRECATED: not currently used in the NWN2 engine. (Used in creature CR calculations.)
USESPERDAY The number of times per day this feat may be used. A value of **** is unlimited.
USESMAPFEAT If this feat uses another feat to determine the number of uses per day it has, the ID number of the required feat will be in this column. **** if the feat does not reference another feat.
MASTERFEAT This referrences the overarching feat in the [masterfeats.2da] file.
TARGETSELF Value 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether this feat targets the character using the feat.
OrReqFeat0 Similar to the PREREQFEAT columns above, this is the ID of a required feat the character needs to be able to select this feat. This column works with the other OrReqFeat columns in that the character is only required to have ONE of the feats specified in these columns. Used in conjunction with the PREREQFEAT columns, one can specify that a character must have feat x (PREREQFEAT) and one of feats y or z (OrReqFeat).
OrReqFeat1 Same as OrReqFeat0.
OrReqFeat2 Same as OrReqFeat0.
OrReqFeat3 Same as OrReqFeat0.
OrReqFeat4 Same as OrReqFeat0.
REQSKILL The ID value in skills.2da of a required skill the character must have to be able to select this feat.
ReqSkillMinRanks The minimum number of ranks the character must have of REQSKILL to be able to select this feat.
REQSKILL2 The ID value in skills.2da of a required skill the character must have to be able to select this feat.
ReqSkillMinRanks2 The minimum number of ranks the character must have of REQSKILL2 to be able to select this feat.
Constant The name of the script constant used to represent this feat in scripts. It is usually a combination of FEAT_ + the value of the LABEL column. Constants are actually defined either in nwscript.nss or another script file. The constant name in this field has no bearing on any scripts, and is probably for reference purposes only.
TOOLSCATEGORIES The number corresponds to the type of feat it is:

0 = All Feats 1 = Combat Feats 2 = Active Combat Feats 3 = Defensive Feats 4 = Magical Feats 5 = Class/Racial Feats 6 = Other Feats Anything beyond 7 messes up the toolset

HostileFeat Value 0 (false) or 1 (true). Determines whether the use of this feat is considered as a hostile act.
MinLevel The minimum level a character must have to be able to take this feat. Works with MinLevelClass.
MinLevelClass The ID value of the corresponding class from classes.2da the character must have MinLevel levels in.
MaxLevel The maximum character level allowed a character to be able to select this feat.
MinFortSave The minimum fortitude saving throw bonus a character must have to be able to select this feat.
PreReqEpic 1 if the feat is only available to epic level characters, 0 otherwise.
FeatCategory One of *_FT_CAT, of special note are HISTORY_FT_CAT, which are ignored by the Enforce Legal Character game option.
IsActive 1 if the feat requires activatation, 0 if the feat is passive/permanently active.
IsPersistent If 1, the feat automatically calls the spell attached to it (defined in the SpellID) whenever the character is loaded, rests, finishes leveling up, respawns, or transitions (module or area). See the Paladin Aura of Courage (NW_S2_CourageA.nss, NW_S2_CourageAA.nss, & NW_S2_CourageAB.nss). The feat does not need to be active, but it should be, preferably, self-targeting.
ToggleMode A reference to a row combatmodes.2da.
Cooldown The cooldown time in seconds between uses of this feat. If you wish to use cooldown on a custom feat, set the USESPERDAY entry to -1.
DMFeat If 1, a DM character will be automatically granted this feat when they enter the game.
REMOVED If 1, the feat is "removed" from the game and will not show up as a valid feat to be selected or granted. If 0, the feat is in the game and recognized by the engine.
AlignRestrict Prevents a character of a particular alignment group from being able to take this feat. 2 = Non-Law, 3 = Non-Chaos, 4 = Non-Good, 5 = Non-Evil.
ImmunityType Generally ****, the 2 known exceptions are 'Non_Spirit' and 'Knockdown'.
Instant Added in patch 1.23. When the column IsActive is set to one, this column determines if the feat executes in the action queue or bypasses it and activates instantly. Set this column to one to make it instant.