Is enervation
Spell Information
Spell level : Innate level: 4, Sorcerer/Wizard: 4
School : Necromancy
Descriptor(s) : Negative
Components : Verbal and Somatic
Range : Short
Target/Area : Single
Duration : 1 Hour * cLevel
20 Rounds (cLevel)
Save : None
Spell resistance : Yes


A ranged touch attack that causes the target creature to temporarily lose 1d4 character levels.

Since 04/05/2007 there's no saving throw (in previous game version successful Fortitude saving throw negated).

Gameplay Notes

1d4 levels averages to 2.5. At level 4 however, this spell can be empowered (minimum: 1, average: 3, maximum: 6) or maximised (for a flat 4). Because it does not require a saving throw, it basically is more powerful then Energy Drain despite its non-permanent duration. This point is especially important when dealing with epic characters, who may often succeed at their Fortitude saving throws. This spell can also roll a critical hit on the ranged touch attack, resulting in a hefty 2d4 level drain.

The main use is to knock down saves of a target so other spells can more easily affect them, although affected things include health and the base attack bonus, and known spells of the target too. Its a compliment spell, and cannot be used to defeat an enemy alone. People underestimate the effects of negative levels, but they are the main way you can lower the saves of classes like monks, as well as other specifically high saved opponents, such as fighters with high fortitude, or wizards with high will saves.

It is less effective at creatures of a lower level, or in larger groups. Since it only affects a single target, although effective, it cannot be used well against a larger amount of targets.

If the effective level drain is greater than the target's levels, the target dies instantly.

It also is useless against undead and construct enemies who are immune to negative levels by default.
