
Craft Weapon allows a character to create most types of weapons and ammunition from different materials.

Modifying ability: Intelligence

Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Warlock; Arcane archer, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Blackguard, Divine champion, Duelist, Dwarven defender, Eldritch knight, Harper agent, Invisible blade, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Shadow Thief of Amn, Warpriest

Requires training: No

Check: Skill must meet the minimum rank(it hasn`t to be strictly rank, that character has bought for its skilpoint, various types of bonuses, for example ability bonus, also counts as ranks) required to craft the type of weapon with its material components.

Special: See notes below

Use: Use the smith's hammer on a crafting station (or applicable device).

Gameplay Notes

Using this craft skill requires an anvil and a Smith's Hammer item, in addition to the appropriate materials (metal ingots, wooden planks, and/or leather hides) and a mold for the desired weapon. The character places all components, including the mold, in the anvil's inventory, then uses the smith's hammer's special ability on the anvil. If the character has enough ranks in Craft Weapon, the new item is created.

The mold for each specific weapon lists which materials a weapon requires. The base skill requirements for crafting weapons are:

Weapons can be crafted from basic materials (iron, wood, or leather), or from more exotic components, such as mithral or Shederran wood. Exotic materials increase the skill requirement to craft a weapon, but also provide additional benefits.

Note that in order to create a weapon out of an exotic material, all the materials used to craft that weapon must be of the same type. For example, crafting a longsword requires two metal ingots. In order to create a darksteel longsword, two darksteel ingots must be used. Alloying such exotic materials is beyond even the greatest smiths.

See also

Umber Hulk Hide +17

Wyvern Hide +20

Red Dragon Hide +23
