
Type of Feat: Character history

Prerequisite: Characters created with the limited edition, or patch 1.05 and up

Specifics: Blessed by Waukeen, the deity of coins and wealth, you have a soft golden halo above your head.

Special Effects: +1 bonus to all saving throws and allows access to rare and unusual items sold by two vendors:

  • Fibba, in the Docks district, first available at the start of ACT II
  • Haljal Throndor, in Port Llast, first available when you begin gathering evidence for the Trial in ACT II

Fibba and Dayne are only available during ACT II, so if they have an unusual item that interests you, be sure to buy it before entering Ammon Jerro's Haven.


  • Technically, this feat needs to be activated to display the golden halo. While active, the golden halo emits light as a light spell. However, the bonus to saving throws and the merchant recognition are always active and do not require the golden halo to be displayed.
  • This feat will also be applied to any manually generated character if the player purchased this game from certain vendors (e.g. any release from GOG.com dated November 2017 or later).